Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bored at work!

I've decided not to talk about the retreat since some of the
messages got filtered out of my head. I can't seem to remember
the things I was going to write about. Otherwise, I don't really
have much to write about either. I'm just bored at work and this
kills time. =) July is half way over and that pretty signatures the
end of the summer for most people. At least, that's what most
people have been saying a lot of. I don't really care since my
summer never began. I haven't taken a vacation since last
May. Sure I took a day off here and there, mostly Saturdays
since most of you know that I work Saturdays. I rarely have a
day off except Sunday but I don't consider Sunday my day off
since church takes up most of my day. What is Sabbath for me??

Actually, I do have a tidbit from the retreat. One of the messages
that caught me was the challenge of doing missions at home first
before doing missions outside the country. I've actually been
pondering about this thought for the last 2-3 years since my last
missions trip. Sure, my experience in Panama was great and I
loved every single minute of it. So why didn't I go the following
summers. I dreaded the fact of asking for financial support when
I can just stay and do outreach here. Yes, we do see a lot of poverty
outside the country as shown on tv almost everyday. But what about
the people here. To bluntly say it, it is easier to love people elsewhere
than to love the people in the states. Harsh but very true. Love has no
exceptions. I'll just end it at that since I have no resolution for it at
the moment.

Things I hate:

1 - People telling me to do things last minute; I struggle with not complaining about this so many times. When you're not capable of delegating the work, please don't take on that responsibility because it just frustrates other people and it devalues your character.
2 - House; Yes, I know it's like blasphemy to hate this show but I can say it to the people that don't find Lost exhilarating. I find this show pretentious. 'nuff said
3 - Being the third wheel. I hate you Remember bros before hoes. No offense ladies.

Random Thoughts for now....
- Never try to out-talk your mom (especially if they're chinese)
- Don't: let the girl open the door for you; burp or pass gas in front of them
- Hoodies are essential in life
- Never date girls that are gay; unless you're confident enough to make them straight
- The best games comes with just a control pad and 2 buttons
- I don't like sand.


teenhamodic said...

i second the third thing you hate lol

Juicebox said...

Yeah iono, George Costanza's hot pastrami and sex isn't exactly appealing to me.
You know works well on chinese parents? The silent treatment..they can't take it. While they're rambling on about something..when they expect you to talk back, you just look deeply into their eyes and smile..killer move. haha